Yoga Block External Rotation PAIL


The yoga block external rotation pail is a progressive angular isometric loading exercise used to increase range of motion and shoulder mobility. Start by lying down on a padded surface face down. Place the arm next to you at 90 degrees shoulder abduction and keep the elbow pinned to the floor. Use a yoga block to prop the wrist into external rotation. Hold a stretch in this position for 2 minutes. Follow this with an isometric contraction by pressing the wrist downwards into the yoga block. Depending on goals, you may hold this contraction for 2 minutes at 20-65% max effort for 2-3 repetitions, 30 seconds at 80% max effort for 2-3 repetitions, or 4-8 seconds at max effort for 4-6 repetitions. Be sure to rest an equal amount of time between repetitions.

Muscles involved:

  • subscapularis

  • pectoralis major

  • latissimus dorsi

  • teres major

  • anterior deltoid

Related conditions:

  • frozen shoulder / adhesive capsulitis

  • rotator cuff tendinitis

  • shoulder impingement

  • post-surgical glenohumeral labral tear (mid to late stage recovery)

  • pectoralis major tendinitis

Exercise videos


Yoga Block External Rotation RAIL


90/90 External Rotation RAIL