Shoulder CAR


The shoulder car is a continuous articular rotation exercise that is used to maintain joint and joint capsule health. This exercise is usually completed standing up to ensure arm and hand clearance. To complete this exercise follow these steps:

  1. Supinate the arm and hand while keeping the elbow straight. Begin in maximal shoulder horizontal adduction.

  2. Begin to raise the arm forwards into shoulder flexion. Maintain as much shoulder external rotation and shoulder horizontal adduction as you do so.

  3. Once at maximal combined shoulder flexion and cross adduction, begin to internally rotate the shoulder. Do so while continue to raise the arm up overhead.

  4. When your arm is directly overhead, maximize the amount of shoulder internal rotation you can complete.

  5. Maintain as much internal rotation as possible and begin to reach your arm behind you into shoulder extension. Complete this while maximizing the about of horizontal abduction you can complete.

  6. Continue reach back and begin to lower the arm. Simultaneously keep the arm in as much internal rotation possible.

  7. The motion stops once your arm is to the side of your body. Your shoulder should be in maximal internal rotation at this point.

  8. Return Path - reverse the motions in steps 1-7 to complete a single repetition.

  9. While maintaining as much internal rotation in the shoulder, begin to extend the shoulder by reaching directly backwards.

  10. Once at maximum extension, allow some external rotation into the shoulder and abduct the arm.

  11. Continue to raise the arm up behind you until your arm is completely overhead. It is important that during this motion you are maintaining as much internal rotation and horizontal abduction as possible.

  12. Once your arm is overhead, externally rotate the shoulder completely.

  13. Begin to lower the arm in front of your into shoulder flexion and adduction. Aim to get as much external rotation in the shoulder as you lower the arm.

  14. Continue until the arm is in front of your waist

Structures Involved:

  • shoulder joint

    • glenohumeral joint capsule

Related conditions:

  • frozen shoulder (late stage recovery)

  • rotator cuff tendinitis / tendinopathy

  • shoulder impingement

  • posterior capsule impingement

  • glenohumeral labral tear

Exercise videos


Wall Tibial Internal Rotation PAIL


Sleeper Stretch RAIL