Wall Tibial Internal Rotation PAIL
The wall tibial internal rotation pail is an exercise used to increase your end ranges through mobility training. Start by standing in a split stance of the outer aspect of the target leg placed against the wall. Bend the target knee so that it is not locked straight. Rotate your body towards the wall to rotate the shin into internal rotation. Once at your end range hold a light stretch for 2 minutes. Follow this up with a contraction by pressing outwards with your foot to try and rotate the shin into external rotation. Depending on your goals, hold this contraction for 2 minutes at 20-65% max strength, for 30 seconds at 65-80% max strength, or for 4-8 seconds at max strength.
Muscles involved:
Biceps femoris
TFL / tensor fascia latae
Related conditions:
ITB syndrome
knee bursitis
lateral meniscus tear
LCL sprain
Hoffa’s fat pad impingement / Hoffa’s syndrome
patellofemoral pain syndrome