Sleeper Stretch PAIL


The sleeper stretch pail is a progressive angular isometric loading exercise used to improve shoulder internal rotation flexibility. Lie down on your side with your top leg bent in front of your for extra support. Your bottom arm will be at 80 degrees shoulder flexion and elbow bent to 90 degrees. Keep the arm planted and use your other hand to pull it gently into internal rotation. Hold this stretch for 2 minutes. In this position, your stretches arm should point towards your belt line. Following this 2 minute stretch complete an isometric contraction by pressing your stretched arm upwards into the other hand (which is used to block the movement). Depending on goals, you may hold this contraction for 2 minutes at 20-65% max effort for 2-3 repetitions, 30 seconds at 80% max effort for 2-3 repetitions, or 4-8 seconds at max effort for 4-6 repetitions. Be sure to rest an equal amount of time between repetitions.

Muscle Involved:

  • teres minor

  • infraspinatus

  • posterior deltoid

Related Conditions:

  • Posterior Capsule Impingement

  • Shoulder Impingement

  • Rotator Cuff Tear (mid to late stage)

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Exercise videos


Sleeper Stretch RAIL


Yoga Block External Rotation RAIL