90/90 Knee Lift

The 90/90 knee lift exercise is used to increase hip external rotation. Start by sitting on the floor with your front hip flexed to 90 degrees and knee bent to 90 degrees. Keep the trail leg in neutral hip alignment and bend the knee to 90 degrees and use the opposite arm to support the upper body. Keep the trail leg’s foot pinned to the ground and rotate the hip into external rotation by lifting your knee towards the ceiling. Hold your end range position for up to 5 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.
Muscles involved:
Gluteus medius posterior fibers
Gluteus maximus
gemellus superior and inferior
obturator internus and externus
quadratus femoris
psoas major and minor
Related conditions:
external snapping hip syndrome
functional hip impingement
hip hypomobility
hip bursitis
hip labral tear
greater trochanteric pain syndrome