Back Lunge


This is unilateral strengthening exercise for the lower body. Complete a back lunge by stepping backwards with one foot and landing with the balls of your foot. Keep the core braced to maintain a neutral spine and track the knee with the middle of your foot. Keep the toes of both feet facing forwards. Dip the body down by bending both knees to 90 degrees and step forwards to the initial position to complete a repetition

Structures Involved:

  • Quadriceps

  • Glutes

    • Gluteus Medius

    • Gluteus Maximus

Related Conditions:

  • Knee Meniscus Tear

  • ACL / PCL / MCL / LCL Tear

  • Ankle Sprain (ATFL, TFL, CFL, PTFL sprain)

  • Achilles Tendinitis / Tendinopathy

  • Tibialis Posterior Tendinitis / Tendinopathy

Related Exercises


Isometric External Rotation


Front Lunge