Banded Unilateral Hip Bridge
This is a single leg hip extension strengthening exercise uses a pullup assist band to provide an external cue for the hip extensors. Start by lying down on your back while holding a band with both of your hands. Place the band along the front of your hips. Lie down on your back and bend both knees to 90 degrees. Raise the non-target leg off the ground into 90 degrees hip flexion. Keep the target leg’s heel planted and drive it downwards to raise the pelvis off the ground. Keep the spine neutral by bracing the core prior to lifting up the pelvis.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Related Conditions:
Hip Bursitis
External Snapping Hip Syndrome
Hip Spine Syndrome
Squat Warm Up
Lower Kinetic Pain Syndrome
Glute Amnesia
Required Exercise Equipment: