Hammer Curl & Punch

This exercise combines both the HAMMER CURL and DUMBBELL PUNCH exercise to create a compound movement to strengthen the elbow and shoulder flexors. This exercise may be completed while sitting or standing. Start by holding a dumbbell in mid-pronation (thumbs up grip). Start with your elbows directly below your shoulder. Bend the elbow to raise the weight to 90 degrees elbow flexion without shifting the elbow forwards or backwards. Keep the core braced to hold a neutral spine. Then raise the elbow to shoulder height while simultaneously straightening out the elbow. The raised position will have the fist directly in front of the shoulder. Briefly hold this position for 1-2 seconds and then reverse all steps to lower the weight back down to starting position.
Muscles Involved:
Biceps Brachii
Long Head Biceps
Anterior Deltoids
Related Conditions:
Biceps Tendinitis
SLAP Lesion
Brachialis Strain
Biceps Strain
Long Head Biceps Tendon Instability
Exercise Equipment:
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