Hinge Squat

The hinge squat exercise is a patterning exercise to help with a low bar squat. It is also used as an exercise modification to the conventional squat. To start, place both feet at a comfortable distance apart. Your feet may point forwards or up to 15 degrees out to the sides. Keep the core braced to maintain a neutral spine. Begin to squat by bending the hips and knees. Emphasize hinging forwards at the hips to complete this exercise modification. Straighten out your hips and knees to stand upright and to complete a repetition.
Structures involved:
Sacroiliac joint
Gluteus maximus
Erector spinae
Related conditions:
Low bar squat warm up (powerlifting)
mechanical low back pain
sacroiliac joint syndrome
QL strain
erector spinae strain
lumbar facet syndrome
thoracolumbar syndrome
hip spine syndrome