Incline Bench Y-Raise
Written By David Song

This is a scapula posterior tilting and up-rotation strengthening exercise. Lie down on your stomach while on a bench set up to 45 degrees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest on the bench during this exercise. Raise your arms overhead at roughly 130 degrees abduction. Focus on tilting the scapula back as if to push the bottom edge of it into your rib cage, and the top edge of it off of the rib cage. Lower your arms to complete a repetition
Muscles Involved:
Lower Trapezius
Serratus Anterior
Related Conditions:
Dynamic Shoulder Instability
Shoulder Impingement / Subacromial Impingement
Upper Cross Syndrome
Posture (Hunched Shoulders)
scapular winging
scapular dyskinesia
rotator cuff tendinitis
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