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Push Up Overhead Slide


This is an exercise progression of the Push Up exercise. This exercise is used to slowly progress to a full single arm pushup. Start by putting your hands on the floor wider than shoulder distance apart. Place one hand on a slider disc or hand towel. Support the lower half of your body with the balls of your toes (be sure to use anti-slip flooring to keep your feet stable). Hold a neutral spine and slowly lower the body while simultaneously sliding one hand overhead. Generally your non-sliding hand should be at your nipple line at the bottom of the movement. Push up while pulling the arm back in and keeping the core braced.

Muscles Involved:

  • Pectoralis Major / Pectoralis Minor

  • Anterior Deltoids

  • Serratus Anterior

Related Conditions:

  • AC Joint Sprain

  • Rotator Cuff Tear

  • Shoulder Impingement

  • Long Head Biceps Tendinopathy

  • Osteolysis of the Distal Clavicle

Exercise Equipment:

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