Towel Elevated Half Push-Up

This is a push up modification that targets the muscles of the chest, shoulder and core. This modification is made to decrease pressure placed on the wrist during a pushup. Start by assuming a half push up position with your hands placed on a rolled up towel. Proceed to completing a half pushup, be sure to keep the core braced to maintain a neutral spine during this exercise. You can progress this exercise by unravelling the towel to increase the extension angle in the wrist.
Muscles Involved:
Pectoralis Major
Pectoralis Minor
Anterior Deltoid
Rotator Cuff
Related Conditions:
AC Joint Sprain (Mid to Late Stage Rehab)
Pectoralis Strain
Strength Training
Strength and Conditioning
Wrist Impingement
Dynamic Wrist Instability
Required Exercise Equipment:
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