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Slant Board Split Squat


The slant board split squat is a strengthening exercise use to build loaded knee extension capacity in deep knee flexion angles. Before you begin, first place a slant board on the ground and step on it so that the heel is elevated relative to your forefoot. Take a SPLIT SQUAT position and begin to flex the front knee forward so that it passes the toes. Extend the front knee to raise the body back into a split stance position.

Structures Involved:

  • Quadriceps

  • Patellar Tendon

  • Quadriceps Tendon

Related Conditions:

  • Strength and Conditioning / Strength Training

  • Patellar Tendinitis / Quadriceps Tendinitis

  • Runner’s knee / jumper’s knee

  • Quadriceps Strain

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • ITB Syndrome

  • Knee Meniscus Tear

  • ACL / PCL / MCL / LCL Tear

Exercise Videos

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