Roman Chair Hip Adduction

The roman chair hip adduction exercise is used to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh and knee. Start by lying down on your side in a roman chair with the target leg being the bottom leg. Anchor the bottom leg using the leg holders of the roman chair. Set up the thigh pad so that the top of the pad lines up with the top of your hip (not pelvis). Begin to hinge to the side at your hips while keeping the spine neutral. Allow the top leg to be free and raise it as your torso moves to the side. Return back by activating the inner thigh muscles to 'pull’ the torso back up to neutral position. Repeat as necessary.
Muscles involved:
hip adductors
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
Related conditions
pes anserine bursitis
MCL tear
medial meniscus tear
internal snapping hip syndrome
groin strain
hamstring strain