Standing Lunge Stretch
Written By David Song

This stretch is used to lengthen and stretch the hip flexor. The target hip flexor will be the one in the trail leg. Be sure to tilt your pelvis into neutral before starting the stretch for effective targeting of the hip flexors. Start in a standing half split squat. Lean forward slightly at the hips until a stretch is felt along the anterior hip. Raise the arms to deepen the stretch and hold for 3-5 breaths. Lower the hands and lean back and repeat as needed.
Muscles Involved:
Psoas Major
Rectus Femoris
Related Conditions:
Iliopsoas Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Low Back Pain
Lower Cross Syndrome
Lumbar Facet Syndrome
Iliopsoas Tendinopathy
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
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