Straight Bar Radial Deviation
The straight bar radial deviation is a wrist strengthening exercise that challenges the muscles of the forearm using a straight bar attachment. This exercise gets easier the closer your grip is to the center of the bar. Hold one end of the bar while keeping your elbow extended and arm in a fixed position. Hold the bar so that it sticks out straight in front of you. Bend the wrist so that the thumb gets closer to your forearm (this is known as radial deviation). Slowly return to a rested position by bending the wrist so that the bar points towards the floor.
Muscles Involved:
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Related Conditions:
Wrist Impingement
Wrist Instability
Tennis Elbow
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis