Banded Side Plank Side Kick
This is an exercise for core stability and hip abductor strengthening. Begin by lying down on the floor with elbow support and a band looped around both ankles. Raise the pelvis up to bring the spine and hip into neutral. Brace your core to maintain a neutral spine. Raise your top leg towards the ceiling without allowing the hip out of alignment with your body. Hold the top position for 2-4 seconds before lowering to complete a repetition.
Muscles Involved:
Hip Abductors
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Internal Oblique
External Oblique
Related Conditions / Activities:
Strength and Conditioning
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Low Back Pain
Knocked Knees / Genu Valgum
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
External Snapping Hip Syndrome
Hip Spine Syndrome
ITB Syndrome
Exercise Equipment: