Doorway Side Stretch
Written By David Song

The doorway side stretch exercise is used to lengthen the lateral fascia line and the muscles within it. Start by holding onto a stable object like a doorframe, squat rack, or band anchor. Stand beside it with your feet and hands in line with the doorframe. While gripping firmly, begin to lean away with the hips to ‘bow’ the body into a crescent shape. Hold this stretch for up to 30 seconds.
Muscles involved:
Lateral Fascial Line
IT Band
TFL (tensor fascia latae)
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Maximus
Latissimus Dorsi
Quadratus Lumborum
Related Conditions:
Mechanical Low Back Pain
SIJ Syndrome
ITB Syndrome
Lateral Line Dysfunction
Latissimus dorsi contracture