Barbell Wrist Flexor Roller


This exercise requires a kettlebell, a racked barbell, and a strength band. Start by looping one end of the strength band around the cuff of a barbell that is placed at shoulder height. Feed the other end of the band through the loop of the kettlebell’s handle and around the bulb of the kettlebell to hold it in place. Stand behind the barbell cuff and hold it with your palms facing down. Rotate the barbell cuff away from your body to flex the wrists and to pull the kettlebell off of the ground. Once the kettlebell is at maximum height, loosen your grip slightly to allow it to drop towards the floor. Be sure to watch your foot placement during this phase. Alternatively you may slowly lower the weight by rolling the barbell cuff forwards with your wrists.

Muscles Involved:

  • Common Wrist Flexors

    • Flexor Carpi Radialis

    • Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

    • Palmaris Longus

Related Conditions:

  • Tennis Elbow / Lateral Epicondylitis

  • Golfer’s Elbow / Medial Epicondylitis

  • Wrist Impingement

  • Wrist Instability

Exercise Equipment:

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