Bilateral Y-Raise Lift Off

The bilateral y-raise lift off exercise is used for end range strengthening of your scapular posterior tilters. Start by holding a broomstick or dowel in each hand at approximately shoulder height. Begin to hinge forwards at the hips while also bending the knees until your arm is in maximal extension. Your arm will be abducted to approximately 150 degrees (your arms will form the letter ‘Y’ with your torso). While keeping your hinge static, lift the dowels off of the floor and hold for 5-7 seconds. Lower the dowels back down to the ground to complete a repetition.
Muscles involved:
lower trapezius
Related conditions:
inferior border scapular winging
scapular dyskinesis / scapular dyskinesia
shoulder impingement
rotator cuff tendinitis
upper cross syndrome