Rehab Hero

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Box Jumps


The box jump exercise is a plyometric exercise used to reintroduce high impact movements during the return to sport training phase of a rehabilitation program. Start by setting up a stable plyobox or stepper in front of you. You may adjust the height of the stepper depending on your current level of fitness. Jump with both legs onto the stepper and land softly into a squat position. Stand up on the stepper and step off of it one leg at a time to complete a repetition.

Structures involved:

  • quadriceps

    • vastus lateralis

    • vastus medialis

    • vastus intermedius

    • rectus femoris

  • quadriceps tendon

  • patellar tendon

  • anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

  • knee menisi

  • gastrocnemius

  • Achilles tendon

  • gluteus maximus

Related conditions:

  • quadriceps strain

  • quadriceps tendinitis / patellar tendinitis

  • jumper’s knee / runner’s knee

  • ITB syndrome

  • ACL sprain / Late stage recovery ACL post-reconstructive surgery

  • Knee meniscus tear

  • Achilles tear / Achilles post-reconstructive surgery

Exercise videos

See this gallery in the original post