The crossover side steps exercise is used as part of a return to sport program to develop dynamic lateral ankle, knee and hip stability. Before beginning, place a piece of tape or a band on a floor in a straight line. Start in a standing split squat stance with your front leg on one side of the line. Extend the hip, knee, and plantarflex the ankle to hop side to side using only the front leg. Hop laterally to clear the line. Immediately hop back over the line upon landing and repeat as required.

Structures involved:

  • Glutes

    • gluteus maximus

    • gluteus medius

  • Quadriceps

    • vastus medialis

    • vastus lateralis

    • vastus intermedius

    • rectus femoris

  • calves

    • gastrocnemius

    • soleus

Related conditions:

  • ankle sprain (late stage recovery - return to sport)

  • MCL / ACL / PCL / LCL strain (late stage recovery - return to sport)

  • meniscus tear (late stage recovery - return to sport)

  • ITB syndrome

  • Achilles tendinitis (late stage recovery - return to sport)

  • Jumper’s knee / runner’s knee

  • quadriceps tendinitis / patellar tendinitis

Exercise videos


Zottman Curl


Single Leg Lateral Hops