Bulgarian Split Squat Hop
Written By David Song

The Bulgarian split squat hop is an unilateral plyometric exercise that targets the leg in the front. Start by elevating the back leg with a bench or plyobox. Begin to lower the body by bending the front knee and flexing the hip. The knee should track forwards over the middle of your foot. Explosively raise the body up by extending the knee, hip and ankle. Land softly while transitioning into your next repetition.
Muscles Involved:
Gluteus Maximus
Related Conditions:
Strength and Conditioning / Strength Training
Patellar Tendinitis / Quadriceps Tendinitis
Quadriceps Strain
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
ITB Syndrome
Knee Meniscus Tear
ACL sprain
Runner’s Knee
Jumper’s Knee