Lateral Skaters

The lateral skaters exercise is used as part of a return to sport program to develop dynamic lateral ankle stability, knee stability, and hip stability. To do this exercise hop side to side as far as you can while maintaining control over your lower body. When landing, dorsiflex the ankle, flex the knee, and flex the hip partially to absorb the shock of jumping. The landing position will resemble a half single leg squat position.
Structures involved:
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis / vastus medialis oblique
rectus femoris
gluteus medius
gluteus maximus
Iliotibial Band (ITB)
Related conditions:
ankle sprain (late stage recovery - return to sport)
MCL / ACL / PCL / LCL strain (late stage recovery - return to sport)
meniscus tear (late stage recovery - return to sport)
ITB syndrome
Achilles tendinitis (late stage recovery - return to sport)