Cable Face Pull

The cable face pull is an upper back and rotator cuff strengthening exercise that utilizes a functional trainer as the mode of resistance. Set the cable pulley to forehead height and attach a rope grip to it. Hold the rope so that the thumbs point backwards. Pull the rope towards your face by raising the elbows to shoulder height and hands to ear height. Squeeze the shoulder blades back to engage the upper back muscles.
Muscles Involved:
Rotator Cuff
teres minor
Related Conditions:
Neck Associated Disorder
Upper Cross Syndrome
Text Neck
Forward Head Posture
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rib Joint Pain
Exercise videos
Upper BackUpper Back StrengtheningTeres MinorMiddle TrapeziusTrapeziusUpper TrapeziusInfraspinatusRotator CuffRotator Cuff StrengtheningPosterior DeltoidShoulder Horizontal AbductionShoulder External RotationShoulder External RotatorScapular RetractionScapular RetractorsScapular StrengtheningScapula