Cross Body Deadlift

This is a modification of the conventional deadlift that is completed to improve rotational back strength. Start by holding a weight such as a dumbbell or kettlebell in your hand. Keep the feet approximately hip distance apart and keep a soft bend in your knees. Proceed to hinge forwards at the hips while keeping the core braced to maintain a neutral spine. As you hinge forwards simultaneously rotate the torso to get the hand holding the weight to reach the opposite shin. Once your hand is approximately halfway down the shin straighten out the hips to return to the starting position.
Muscles involved:
erector spinae
quadratus lumborum
biceps femoris
internal oblique
external oblique
Related conditions:
back strain / ‘pulled’ back
sacroiliac joint syndrome / SIJ syndrome
lumbar facet syndrome
mechanical low back pain
QL strain
thoracolumbar syndrome