Elbow CAR

The elbow car is a continuous articular rotation exercise used as a warm up or for the maintenance of joint health. Start with your elbow next to your body, be sure to keep this elbow in the same position during this exercise. Supinate the wrist by going into a palms up position. Continue to contract your supinators as hard as you can as you bend the elbow into flexion. Once at maximal elbow flexion rotate the wrist into maximal pronation. While maintaining as much pronation as possible extend the elbow until it is straight. Reverse the motion to complete a repetition.
Structures involved:
elbow joint capsule (proximal radioulnar joint capsule)
pronator teres
pronator quadratus
biceps brachii
Related conditions:
dorsal wrist impingement
tennis elbow / lateral epicondylitis
golfer’s elbow / medial epicondylitis
pronator teres syndrome
TFCC tear
dynamic wrist instability