Incline Serratus Punch

The incline serratus punch is an open chain scapular protraction exercise. This can be completed on an exercise bench set up to a 45 or 60 degree incline. Hold two dumbbells or kettlebells for resistance. Raise both arms directly above your shoulders and keep the elbows straight. Proceed to protract the shoulder blades by pushing them forwards (pushing the fists towards the ceiling). Alternate this movement with scapular retractions by getting the shoulder blades to squeeze back.
Muscles Involved:
Serratus Anterior
Related Conditions:
Shoulder Impingement
Dynamic Shoulder Instability
Posterior Capsule Impingement
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
Medial Border Scapular Winging
Scapular Dyskinesia