Internal Rotation Plate Perturbation

This is a stability and proprioception exercise for the shoulder and rotator cuff muscles. Start by anchoring on end of a band to a stable object and loop it through a fractional weight plate. Grip the other end and orient your body so that the hand gripping the band is the one closest to the anchor point. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees elbow flexion. Take a step away from the band’s anchor point to increase the tension in the band (providing internal rotation resistance). Use your free hand to pull on the weight plate and let go to allow it to shake the band. Stabilize the shoulder by resisted the movement generated.
Muscles Involved:
Rotator Cuff
Related Conditions:
Labral Tear
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis / Tendinopathy
Shoulder Impingement
Dynamic Shoulder Instability
Exercise Equipment:
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