Irradiated Thoracic Rotations

This is a thoracic spine mobility exercise that gets you to squeeze a foam roller or yoga block between the knees to dissociate rotation motion from the lumbar spine. Start seated with foam roller or yoga block between your knees and squeeze it with a high amount of effort. Place both hands behind your head and proceed to rotate maximally to one side. Once there, use your contralateral (opposite) hand to push yourself deeper into rotation by 5-10 degrees. Hold this new position and let go with your hand and return it to behind your head. Hold this position for 5 seconds before slowly returning to rest position. Repeat on the same side until full range is achieved. Full range is achieved when you can not increase the amount of thoracic rotation even when using your opposite hand for assistance.
Structures Involved:
Thoracic Spine
Serratus Posterior Superior
Related Conditions
Rib Joint Pain
Thoracolumbar Syndrome
Cervicothoracic Joint Dysfunction
Shoulder Impingement
Text Neck
Neck Associated Disorder
Required Exercise Equipment:
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