Kettlebell Weight Shift

The kettlebell weight shift is a hip mobility exercise that is used to improve hip abduction and external rotation. Start by kneeling down on one leg have the target hip’s leg planted with the foot and knee pointed away from your midline. Hold a kettlebell with both hands relaxed in front of you and shift your pelvis in the same direction as the target hip’s foot.
Structures involved:
Hip Joint Capsule (femoroacetabular joint)
Adductor Magnus, Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus
Related conditions:
Hip impingement
Squat warm up / Squat hip shift
Internal snapping hip syndrome
Pes anserinus irritation
Groin strain (late stage recovery)
Adductor strain (late stage recovery)
adductor tendinitis / tendinopathy
iliopsoas tendinitis / tendinopathy