Lumbar Cat Camel
The lumbar cat cow or lumbar cat camel exercise is used to mobilise the low back in flexion and extension. Start by kneeling on a padded surface. Place the top of your head on the ground and support your upper body by placing your forearms and elbows on the ground. Mesh your fingers and place them behind your head. From this position, flex the spine by tilting your pelvis into a posterior tilt (tucking the tailbone between your legs). Once at maximal lumbar flexion, begin to extend the lumbar spine by arching your back. This position is used to minimise the influence of thoracic flexion and extension. Repeat as required.
Structures involved:
lumbar spine
lumbar disc
lumbar facet joint
erector spinae
rectus abdominis
Related conditions:
acute low back pain
mechanical low back pain
sacroiliac joint syndrome
thoracolumbar syndrome
QL strain
erector spinae strain