Pull Forward Full Raise


The pull forward full raise exercise is used to strengthen multidirectional horizontal adduction. Start by anchoring a band to a stable object behind you like a band anchor or squat rack. Anchor the band at roughly the height of your pelvis. Hold the free end of the band with one arm and face away from the anchor point. Take a step forward to add tension to the band. While keeping a relatively straight arm (slight bend in the elbow is acceptable) abduct your shoulder by raising the arm beside you until you reach a full overhead reaching position. Lower the arm back down to complete a repetition.

Muscles involved:

  • anterior deltoid

  • pectoralis major

  • coracobrachialis

  • subscapularis

Related conditions:

  • shoulder impingement

  • rotator cuff tendinopathy / rotator cuff tendinitis

  • glenohumeral labral tear

  • late stage recovery AC joint sprain

  • dynamic shoulder instability

Exercise videos


Hercules Curl