Wall Isometric Shoulder Flexion

The wall isometric shoulder flexion is an effort based exercise that uses a wall. Stand 1 small step away from a wall and face towards it. Keep the elbow straight and aligned with your shoulder. With your palms facing the wall, press forwards into the wall by slowly ramping up your strength over the course of 3 seconds. Hold your maximal tolerable contraction for 5-7 seconds before ramping your strength back down to a rest (again over a 3 second count).
Structure Involved:
Pectoralis Major
Anterior Deltoids
Biceps Brachii (Long Head)
Proximal Biceps Tendon
Related Conditions:
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
Biceps Pulley Dysfunction
AC Joint Sprain
Shoulder Impingement
Anterior Deltoid Strain
biceps tendonitis
biceps tenosynovitis
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