Seated Straight Leg Raise EQI


The seated straight leg raise eccentric quasi isometric is a controlled failure exercise used to increase end range strength. Start by sitting on the floor with the target leg straight in front of you. Bend the non-target leg to provide stability for your body. While keeping the knee straight, raise the affected leg off of the floor as high as you can. Attempt to push through the top range as hard as you can until you start to fatigue. Continue to try to raise the leg as the leg reaches failure eccentrically.

Muscles Involved:

  • Iliopsoas

    • Psoas Major

    • Iliacus

  • Rectus Femoris

  • Pectineus

Related Conditions:

  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome Iliopsoas

  • Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome

  • Mechanical Low Back Pain

  • Anterior Pelvic Tilt

  • Lower Cross Syndrome

  • Iliopsoas Tendinitis / Tendinopathy

Exercise videos


Tibial Internal Rotation RAIL


Wall Isometric Shoulder Flexion