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Squatting Groin Stretch


This is a stretch used to improve the flexibility of your inner thigh and groin. Start by standing in a wide squat stance. Begin to lean your torso forwards while supporting your upper body with your hands on your knees. Twist / rotate your torso to one side and hold a light stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:

  • Hip adductors

    • Adductor Longus

    • Adductor Magnus

    • Adductor Brevis

    • Pectineus

    • Gracilis

  • Medial Hamstrings

    • Biceps Femoris

Related conditions:

  • Pes anserine bursitis

  • Groin strain (only late stage recovery)

  • Hamstring strain (only late stage recovery)

  • Hip adductor strain (only late stage recovery)

  • Hip abduction hypomobility

Exercise videos

See this gallery in the original post