Subscapularis Active Massage

This is a self soft tissue mobilization technique that uses a broomstick / dowel and a towel. Place a towel on one end of the broomstick and place that on a tender spot on the subscapularis muscle. This muscle is located between the scapula and rib cage and can be accessed through the armpit. Place medium pressure onto the muscle belly and slowly internally and externally rotate the shoulder while it is raised up beside you. You may do up to 3-5 repetitions on up to 2-3 spots, and maximally up to 2-3 times a week.
Muscles Involved:
Conditions Involved:
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis / Tendinopathy
Subscapularis Strain
Subacromial Impingement
Posterior Capsule Impingement
AC Joint Sprain
Exercise Equipment:
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