Thoracic Wall Sweep


The thoracic wall sweep is used as a thoracic spine mobility exercise. Start in a half kneel position with the side of one hip placed against the wall. Place a foam roller or yoga block between your front knee and the wall and hold it in place. Raise both hands behind your head and mesh your fingers. Rotate your torso so that your chest faces away from the wall. Begin to bend forwards through the torso until you reach your end range thoracic flexion with rotation. Slide against the wall until you are once again upright then rotate through your torso until your chest faces the wall. Begin extend your spine backwards until your reach end range thoracic extension. Slide against the wall until you return to an upright position to complete a repetition.

Structures involved:

  • thoracic spine

Related conditions:

  • upper cross syndrome

  • shoulder impingement

  • rotator cuff tendinitis

  • thoracic hypomobility

  • text neck

  • Dowager’s hump

  • thoracolumbar syndrome

  • cervicothoracic junction dysfunction

Exercise videos


Prisoner Rotation


Wall Isometric Lateral Raise