90/90 Leg Sweeps

This is a hip end range control exercise that will challenge your ability to control hip internal and external rotation, and hip adduction hip abduction while in a hip flexion position. Start by sitting with your legs bent to 90 degrees, with the front leg externally rotated and the trail leg internally rotated as show in the video. Raise the trail leg off the floor without raising the pelvis and sweep it above the floor until it is straight in front of you. Then return slowly to starting position.
Muscles Involved:
Hip Flexors (Rectus Femoris, Pectineus, Iliopsoas)
Hip Adductors (Adductor Longus / Magnus / Brevis)
Hip Capsule
Hip Abductors (Gluteus Minimus/ Medius/ Magnus
Related Conditions:
Hip Impingement
Femoroacetabular Impingement
Snapping Hip Syndrome
Anterior Glide Syndrome
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