Adductor Squeeze Multisegmental Rotation

The adductor squeeze multisegmental rotation exercise is used to cue the hip adductors to dynamically stabilize the hips through rotation. Place a yoga block or foam roller between your thighs just above your knees. While squeezing the block maximally, rotate the the body to the left or right. Rotate the body as far as tolerable without lifting the feet off of the floor. Return to neutral position and repeat repetitions in the same direction before switching directions.
Structures involved:
hip adductors
adductor magnus
adductor longus
adductor brevis
lumbar spine
thoracic spine
femoroacetabular joint
Related conditions:
groin strain
dynamic lumbar instability
hip labral tear
low back strain
mechanical low back pain
sacroiliac joint syndrome
thoracolumbar syndrome
hip spine syndrome