QL Stretch with Reach

The ql stretch with reach or quadratus lumborum stretch with reach is used to increase lumbar lateral flexion and lumbar rotation range of motion. In this exercise, you’ll be leaning away from the side that you’d like to stretch. This is a seated exercise. Take your opposite forearm and place it between both of your thighs as you lean forwards. Proceed to rotate the torso so that your back arm reaches towards the ceiling. Use the arm between your thighs to provide additional leverage to assist in your rotation. Hold this stretch for up to 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before doing another repetition.
Muscles involved:
quadratus lumboroum (QL)
external obliques
Related conditions:
QL contracture
SIJ syndrome
Lumbar facet syndrome
Lower cross syndrome
lateral pelvic tilt
functional scoliosis