Advanced Bird Dog

This is an exercise progression of the bird dog. The Advanced Bird Dog exercise is a core endurance exercise that aims to uncouple or dissociate movement at the hips and shoulder from the spine. The goal is to keep the spine and pelvis as neutral as possible while moving your arm and thigh. Start by going on your hands and knees, and have them placed directly below the shoulder and hip joints. Brace your core to maintain a neutral spine and slowly stretch out your opposite hand and foot to the side. Do this without dropping the pelvis or hyperextending the spine.
Muscles Involved:
Transversus abdominis
Internal oblique
External oblique
Related Conditions:
Acute Low Back Pain
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Hip Spine Syndrome
Thoracolumbar Syndrome
Lumbar facet syndrome
QL strain / quadratus lumborum strain
Oblique strain