Banded TFL Stretch
Written By David Song

This stretch is used to stretch the anterior hip. The target hip will be the trail leg. Start by looping a heavy strength band around the trail leg’s hip and anchoring it down to a stable object in front of you. Rotate the trail hip internally by roughly 20-25 degrees and allow the band to pull the hip forwards. You may deepen the stretch by raising the arms overhead. Hold for 3-5 breaths or 30-60 seconds as needed.
Muscles Involved:
Tensor Fascia Latae
Anterior Capsule of the Hip
Related Conditions:
Iliopsoas Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Low Back Pain
Lower Cross Syndrome
Lumbar Facet Syndrome
Iliopsoas Tendinopathy / Iliopsoas Tendinitis
Internal Snapping Hip Syndrome
Exercise Equipment:
Related Exercises

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Hip, Hip Flexibility
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