Dumbbell Peroneal Curl

The dumbbell peroneal curl exercise is used to strengthen the ankle everters. Start by strapping a dumbbell to the bottom of your foot using a Dumbbell Foot Strap. Lie sideways on a bench so that your inner shin is supported by the edge of the bench (ankle and foot are suspended). Evert the foot by raising the outer edge of it towards the ceiling. Then lower the weight into inversion by allowing the weight to slowly pull the foot towards the ground.
Muscles involved:
Peroneals / fibularis
peroneus longus / fibularis longus
peroneus brevis / fibularis brevis
peroneus tertius / fibularis tertius
Related Conditions:
Peroneal Tendinitis / Fibularis Tendinitis
Anterior Shin Splints
Inversion Ankle Sprain
Chronic Ankle Sprain
Anterior ankle impingement