Half Kneel Pallof Press

This exercise is used to build anti-rotation stability through the spine. This exercise can be done with a band or cable pulley system. Anchor a band down to the side on a stable object and hold it at the middle of your chest while it has some tension. Kneel down on one leg with the leg closest to the band in front of you. Press your hands forward directly in front of you at roughly shoulder height and hold for 5-10 seconds or for 3-5 deep breaths. Keep your shoulders stacked directly above the hips and hold a upright neutral spine.
Muscles Involved:
Quadratus Lumborum
Lateral Line
Spiral Line
Related Conditions:
Idiopathic Scoliosis / Functional Scoliosis
Quadratus Lumborum Strain
Oblique Strain
Chronic Low Back Pain
Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome
Squat Warm Up
Exercise Equipment:
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