Rehab Hero

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Half Seated Good Morning


The half seated good morning exercise is used to introduce anti-flexion mechanisms into the lumbar spine. Start by sitting on a bench set up on an incline of 45 degrees. You’ll be sitting so that you are facing the inclined bench. Loop a light monster band around both of your feet and run it across your upper back. Maintain a neutral spine and hinge forwards at the hips until your torso touches the pad of the bench. Hinge backwards to neutral position to complete a repetition.

Muscles involved:

  • erector spinae

  • quadratus lumborum

Related conditions:

  • QL strain

  • erector spinae strain

  • thoracolumbar syndrome

  • lumbar facet syndrome

  • sacroiliac joint syndrome

  • lumbar disc bulge

  • lower cross syndrome

Exercise videos

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