This is a modified version of CONVENTIONAL DEADLIFT that utilizes a wider stance to make the lift more quadriceps dominant. Start with your feet wider than shoulder distance apart and hands gripping the bar hip distance apart. Your feet may be externally rotated between 15 to 30 degrees. Hinge at the hips and bend the knees to maintain a neutral spine. Stand over the bar so that it is directly below and in line with your armpit. Keep the core braced and latissimus dorsi engaged to increase lumbar stability during the movement. Lift the bar up by driving the feet into the ground and extending the hips and knees. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible during the entire lift. It is important to stand tall at the top of the movement instead of hyperextending the low back. Lower the weight by reversing the motion.

Muscles Involved:

  • Posterior Chain

    • Erector Spinae

    • Hamstrings

  • Functional Back Line

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Latissimus Dorsi

  • Core

    • Transversus Abdominis

  • Quadriceps

Related Conditions:

  • Strength Training

  • Chronic Low Back Pain

  • Functional Scoliosis

  • Lower Kinetic Pain Syndrome

  • Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

  • Thoracolumbar Syndrome

  • Proximal Hamstring Tendinitis

Related Exercises


Pause Deadlift


Deficit Deadlift