Anterior Glide Rotations


The anterior glide rotations exercise utilizes a light monster band to assist in shoulder centration. Start by looping one end of the band around the back of the shoulder making sure that the band is contacting the humeral aspect of the shoulder joint. Anchor the other end of the band to a stable object in front of you. Take a step back to add tension into the band and raise your arm to 90 degrees shoulder abduction. Begin to rotate the shoulder into end range external rotation and internal rotation while remaining in an abducted position. Complete 15-20 pain free repetitions per set.

Structures invovled:

  • glenohumeral joint

  • glenohumeral joint capsule

  • rotator cuff

    • supraspinatus

    • teres minor

    • infraspinatus

    • subscapularis

Related conditions:

  • dynamic shoulder instability

  • shoulder impingement

  • rotator cuff tendinitis

  • frozen shoulder

  • adhesive capsulitis

Exercise videos


Seated Reverse Clamshell


Banded Terminal Knee Extension Squat