Banded Patrick Step Up

The banded patrick step up is a knee extensor strengthening exercise that focuses on terminal knee extension. Start by standing on a stack of weight plates, aerobic stepper, or 1 foot plyobox. Stand on the step with one leg so that the heel is flat on the step. Loop a band around the back of the target knee and anchor it to a stable object in front of you at the same level. Have the non-target leg resting on the floor just in front of the step. Extend the elevated foot’s knee to raise the bottom foot off of the floor. Extend the knee to full extension and slowly return to start position by bending the knee.
Muscles Involved:
Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO)
Related Conditions:
Patellar Tendinitis / Quadriceps Tendinitis
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
ITB Syndrome
Jumper’s Knee / Runner’s Knee
Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease