Chin Tuck Rotations

This is a neck strengthening exercise that targets the deep neck flexors as well as the neck rotators. Start by laying face up and tucking in your chin. When you tuck your chin in make sure that your forehead is still level with your chin (they should be parallel with the floor). From here, rotate your neck all the way to one side and then alternate sides. Come back to center and rest to complete a single repetition. When starting your next set it is ideal to alternate the side you start rotating your neck towards. For example, during the first set you may start by rotating left and then right. For the second set it would be ideal to start by rotating right first and then left.
Muscles Involved:
Longus Colli
Related Conditions:
Whiplash Associated Disorder
Cervicogenic Headache
Brachial Plexopathy
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Forward Head Posture
Upper Cross Syndrome
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